About Us
Serving Our Agents and Insureds
We provide quality, affordable insurance products distributed through our network of independent insurance producers.
family sitting on trunk of car
About West Virginia National
Auto Insurance Company
West Virginia National Auto Insurance Company (WVNAIC) is one of the oldest domiciled non-standard auto carriers in the state of West Virginia. We offer a non-standard auto insurance product via independent agencies throughout West Virginia, and in the near future, Virginia and Texas.
Network of Producers

Our Producer Network

Our independent producers make it easier for customers to understand and buy our non-standard auto insurance product.

Shield with Check Mark

Our Mission

We aim to bring customized protection and exceptional service to both our independent producers and our valued customers.

People over Hand

Our Values

We strive to deliver quality auto insurance products and to provide coverage options for most drivers, including those considered high risk.

Business Man Reaching For Handshake
Specialization of Services
WVNAIC is dedicated to bringing non-standard auto insurance options to the market.
Our team is ready to help our agency partners build a successful agency and to help our customers with their policies. Give us a call. We're always happy to help.

(304) 296-0507

Trust We Work Hard For
Since our founding in 1998, we have worked to build strong relationships with our customers and producers.
Trusted Choice Logo
Agent typing into laptop
A Proud Member of
Warrior Insurance Network
WVNAIC is a proud member of the Warrior Insurance Network (WIN), a group of member insurance companies. WIN member companies distribute a diverse group of essential insurance products including auto and commercial products across 22 states. WIN's other member companies include, First Chicago Insurance Company, United Security Insurance Company, Texas Ranger MGA, and Lonestar MGA.
Logos of Proud Members of Warrior Insurance Network